Hadoop MapReduceで行列積を計算する(ケース1)(Dense Matrix Multiplication with Hadoop MapReduce: Case1)



まず、結果から述べてしまう。以下が5000行5000列の行列同士をHadoop MapReduceで計算した際の実行時間の比較である。ケース1と2で「やりたいことは同じ」でも、結果にこれだけの差が出てしまう(単位:秒)。

実行は、Amazon ElasticMapReduceの以下のクラスタで実行した。

リージョン US Standard
インスタンスタイプ m1.small
マスタ・インスタンスグループ 1インスタンス
コア・インスタンスグループ 8インスタンス
タスク・インスタンスグループ 10インスタンス



行インデックス 列インデックス 計算結果




3.6	2.2	9.7	7.5	9.1	7.4	1.5	3.7	6.7	7.9
5.9	3.8	7.1	7.1	0.7	2.6	1.6	3.7	1.4	5.7
2.6	8.5	4.2	7.3	4.3	7.5	3.3	6.9	8.1	2.7
7.1	4.4	8.1	0.8	2.5	5.3	7.2	2.6	4.7	4.2
3.7	6.9	6.6	9.9	9.3	4.9	4.3	5.3	2.1	5.8
4.5	5.2	9.2	7.1	5.5	2.8	3.5	6.4	5.8	8.2
0.9	2.3	1.9	1.2	6.4	1.8	5.2	6.8	6.1	0.5
7.1	7.7	3.0	4.1	0.2	9.3	9.6	1.5	2.3	1.5
2.0	0.8	5.1	7.9	9.6	4.2	4.4	9.0	9.9	0.9
8.2	3.6	8.7	2.9	4.8	5.6	5.7	1.1	6.8	7.0


1 1	3.6
1 2	2.2
1 3	9.7
1 4	7.5
1 5	9.1
1 6	7.4
1 7	1.5
1 8	3.7
1 9	6.7
1 10	7.9
2 1	5.9
2 2	3.8
2 3	7.1
2 4	7.1
2 5	0.7
2 6	2.6
2 7	1.6
2 8	3.7
2 9	1.4
2 10	5.7
3 1	2.6
3 2	8.5
3 3	4.2
3 4	7.3
3 5	4.3
3 6	7.5
3 7	3.3
3 8	6.9
3 9	8.1
3 10	2.7
4 1	7.1
4 2	4.4
4 3	8.1
4 4	0.8
4 5	2.5
4 6	5.3
4 7	7.2
4 8	2.6
4 9	4.7
4 10	4.2
5 1	3.7
5 2	6.9
5 3	6.6
5 4	9.9
5 5	9.3
5 6	4.9
5 7	4.3
5 8	5.3
5 9	2.1
5 10	5.8
6 1	4.5
6 2	5.2
6 3	9.2
6 4	7.1
6 5	5.5
6 6	2.8
6 7	3.5
6 8	6.4
6 9	5.8
6 10	8.2
7 1	0.9
7 2	2.3
7 3	1.9
7 4	1.2
7 5	6.4
7 6	1.8
7 7	5.2
7 8	6.8
7 9	6.1
7 10	0.5
8 1	7.1
8 2	7.7
8 3	3.0
8 4	4.1
8 5	0.2
8 6	9.3
8 7	9.6
8 8	1.5
8 9	2.3
8 10	1.5
9 1	2.0
9 2	0.8
9 3	5.1
9 4	7.9
9 5	9.6
9 6	4.2
9 7	4.4
9 8	9.0
9 9	9.9
9 10	0.9
10 1	8.2
10 2	3.6
10 3	8.7
10 4	2.9
10 5	4.8
10 6	5.6
10 7	5.7
10 8	1.1
10 9	6.8
10 10	7.0



具体的には、行列積 C=ABを計算するにあたり、行列Aの行と、行列Bの列をそれぞれM個とN個のブロックに分解し(下図)、部分行列単位で計算を行う。(一番シンプルでストレートフォワードな方法かと思う)




  • カスタマイズしたキーを用意したので、キークラスにhasHash()メソッドを用意しておく。PartitionerはデフォルトのHashPartitionerを利用するが、ソースコードを見ると、キーのhashCode()メソッドを使ってPartitioningを行っているため。これを実装しないと、並列演算した際に正しくキー単位でreduceにデータが渡されない。


開発機はMac Book Pro(Mountain Lion)。Hadoopのバージョンは1.1.2である。

package com.tetsuyaodaka.hadoop.math.matrix;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.DoubleWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.MultipleInputs;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;

 *  Matrix Multiplication on Hadoop Map Reduce (Case1)
 *   author : tetsuya.odaka@gmail.com
 *   tested on Hadoop1.1.2 
 *   Split the Large Scale Matrix to SubMatrices.
 *   Split size (Number Of Rows or Columns) can be specified by arguments.
 *   This should be decided according to your resources.
 *   Partitioner and Conditioner are not implemented here.
 *   Can calculate real numbers (format double) and be expected.
 *   This program is distributed under ASF2.0 LICENSE.
public class MatrixMultiplication {

	 *  IndexPair Class
	 * customized key for reduce function consists of row BlockNum of MatrixA, MatrixB
	public static class IndexPair implements WritableComparable<MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair> {
		public int index1;
		public int index2;
		public IndexPair() {
		public IndexPair(int index1, int index2) {
			this.index1 = index1;
			this.index2 = index2;

		public void write (DataOutput out)
			throws IOException
		public void readFields (DataInput in)
			throws IOException
			index1 = in.readInt();
			index2 = in.readInt();

		public int compareTo(MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair o) {
			if (this.index1 < o.index1) {
				return -1;
			} else if (this.index1 > o.index1) {
				return +1;
			if (this.index2 < o.index2) {
				return -1;
			} else if (this.index2 > o.index2) {
				return +1;
			return 0;
		 * hasHash() is used by HashPartitioner.
		public int hashCode(){
			int ib = this.index1;
			int jb = this.index2;
			int num = ib * Integer.MAX_VALUE + jb;
			int hash = new Integer(num).hashCode();
			return Math.abs(hash);
	 *  MapA Class
	 *  read MatrixA and decompose its elements to blocks
    public static class MapA extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair, Text>{
        protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) 
        		throws IOException, InterruptedException{

        	String strArr[] = value.toString().split("\t");
        	String keyArr[] = strArr[0].split(" ");
        	int nor= Integer.parseInt(keyArr[0]);	// number of row
        	String noc= keyArr[1];	// number of column
        	String v= strArr[1];	// value

            int m = 0;

            // retrieve from configuration
            int IB 	= Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("IB"));	// row block size
            int N 	= Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("N"));	// number of block of MatrixB

            if(nor%IB == 0){
            	m = nor/IB; 
            	m = nor/IB + 1;             	
            for(int j=1;j<(N+1);j++){
            	context.write(new MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair(m,j), new Text("0"+","+nor+","+noc+","+v));

	 * MapB Class
	 *  read MatrixB and decompose it to blocks
    public static class MapB extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair, Text>{
        protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) 
        		throws IOException, InterruptedException{

        	String strArr[] = value.toString().split("\t");
        	String keyArr[] = strArr[0].split(" ");
        	int noc= Integer.parseInt(keyArr[1]);	// number of row
        	String nor= keyArr[0];	// number of column
        	String v= strArr[1];	// value

        	int n = 0;

            // retrieve from configuration
            int KB 	= Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("KB"));
            int M 	= Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("M"));
            if(noc%KB == 0){
            	n = noc/KB; 
            	n = noc/KB + 1;             	
            for(int j=1;j<(M+1);j++){
            	context.write(new MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair(j,n),new Text("1"+","+nor+","+noc+","+v));
	 * Reduce Class
    public static class Reduce extends Reducer<MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair, Text, Text, DoubleWritable>{

        protected void reduce(MatrixMultiplication.IndexPair key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) 
        		throws IOException, InterruptedException{

    		Map<String,String> aMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
    		Map<String,String> bMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
			int rCount=0;
        	for(Text value: values){
            	String strVal = value.toString();
            	String[] strArray = strVal.split(",");

            	if(Integer.parseInt(strArray[0])==0) {
            		aMap.put(strArray[1]+" "+strArray[2],strArray[3]);

            		bMap.put(strArray[2]+" "+strArray[1],strArray[3]);
            int is = Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("IB"));
            int js = Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("KB"));

            int im = Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("I"));
            int jm = Integer.parseInt(context.getConfiguration().get("K"));

            int startI = (key.index1-1)*is+1;
            int endI = (key.index1)*is;
            if(endI>im) endI=im;
            int startJ = (key.index2-1)*js+1;
            int endJ = (key.index2)*js;
            if(endJ>jm) endJ=jm;

            for(int i=startI;i<endI+1;i++){
                for(int j=startJ;j<endJ+1;j++){
                	double sum=0;
                	for(int k=1;k<rCount+1;k++){
                        sum+=Double.parseDouble(aMap.get(i+" "+k))*Double.parseDouble(bMap.get(j+" "+k));
                    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(sum);
        			BigDecimal r = bd.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
                	context.write(new Text(i + " " + j), new DoubleWritable(r.doubleValue()));

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {

    	Date startProc = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    	System.out.println("process started at " + startProc);
    	Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        int I = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); // Num of Row of MatrixA
		int K = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); // Num of Row of MatrixB'

		int IB = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); // RowBlock Size of MatrixA
		int KB = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); // RowBlock Size of MatrixB'
		int M =0;
		if(I%IB == 0){
			M = I/IB;
			M = I/IB+1;

		int N =0;
		if(K%KB == 0){
			N = K/KB;
			N = K/KB+1;
    	conf.set("I", args[3]); // Num of Row of MatrixA
    	conf.set("K", args[4]); // Num of Row of MatrixB'
    	conf.set("IB", args[5]); // RowBlock Size of MatrixA
    	conf.set("KB", args[6]); // RowBlock Size of MatrixB'
    	conf.set("M", new Integer(M).toString());
    	conf.set("N", new Integer(N).toString());
    	Job job = new Job(conf, "MatrixMultiplication");



        // Mapperごとに読み込むファイルを変える。
        MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0]), TextInputFormat.class, MapA.class); // matrixA
        MultipleInputs.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[1]), TextInputFormat.class, MapB.class); // matrixB
        FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[2])); // output path
		System.out.println("num of MatrixA RowBlock(M) is "+M);
		System.out.println("num of MatrixB ColBlock(N) is "+N);

		boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true);

    	Date endProc = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
    	System.out.println("process ended at " + endProc);

Amazon Elastic MapReduceでのテスト

先のデータを行列A、以下のデータの形式変換したデータを行列Bとし、Amazon ElasticMapReduceでテストをおこなった。

3.3	1.6	8.5	3.0	9.6	3.1	0.6	5.8	2.1	5.4
5.6	8.9	9.5	10.0	7.4	7.9	3.4	2.0	9.3	4.4
4.4	2.6	2.9	2.0	4.5	3.4	1.8	8.8	6.5	0.7
5.1	0.5	4.7	4.8	4.1	1.6	0.7	1.2	2.8	9.2
5.4	1.5	9.8	9.3	1.9	3.6	2.1	6.5	4.7	5.2
1.9	4.0	4.0	4.0	0.5	0.4	2.1	8.3	0.3	0.3
3.0	1.0	1.2	8.3	7.3	8.3	6.7	0.8	4.1	1.3
3.2	3.2	2.1	4.8	1.2	1.0	8.6	4.6	4.1	5.8
6.3	5.8	1.9	7.9	7.3	1.8	6.3	2.1	0.8	2.7
6.2	0.1	9.5	8.0	9.9	9.7	3.8	2.6	0.5	7.3


1 1	275.86
1 2	150.55
1 3	331.01
1 4	348.77
1 5	288.74
1 6	214.08
1 7	181.1
1 8	293.04
1 9	187.69
1 10	253.62
2 1	177.72
2 2	98.85
2 3	223.97
2 4	208.59
2 5	231.22
2 6	162.16
2 7	114.16
2 8	175.01
2 9	143.53
2 10	192.22
3 1	249.11
3 2	203.46
3 3	280.97
3 4	352.33
3 5	266.84
3 6	194.71
3 7	210.65
3 8	226.41
3 9	204.36
3 10	232.04
4 1	196.93
4 2	140.13
4 3	238.03
4 4	272.76
4 5	279.42
4 6	208.27
4 7	166.91
4 8	220.97
4 9	170.1
4 10	153.11
5 1	268.96
5 2	157.01
5 3	348.79
5 4	371.03
5 5	287.49
5 6	240.73
5 7	183.97
5 8	253.65
5 9	231.68
5 10	280.21
6 1	274.04
6 2	158.84
6 3	319.36
6 4	351.52
6 5	320.79
6 6	244.02
6 7	205.53
6 8	250.71
6 9	213.51
6 10	265.57
7 1	147.2
7 2	106.64
7 3	147.43
7 4	229.97
7 5	147.79
7 6	118.89
7 7	163.49
7 8	134.07
7 9	123.94
7 10	127.49
8 1	176.8
8 2	155.13
8 3	233.92
8 4	280.09
8 5	264
8 6	203.91
8 7	156.07
8 8	189.7
8 9	169.33
8 10	154.21
9 1	243.58
9 2	149.44
9 3	238.94
9 4	333.33
9 5	224.9
9 6	150.81
9 7	220.28
9 8	232.87
9 9	176.6
9 10	232.97
10 1	243.71
10 2	148.19
10 3	300.77
10 4	321.27
10 5	330.19
10 6	236.15
10 7	173.78
10 8	254.58
10 9	176.43
10 10	202.78


        [,1]   [,2]   [,3]   [,4]   [,5]   [,6]   [,7]   [,8]   [,9]
 [1,] 275.86 150.55 331.01 348.77 288.74 214.08 181.10 293.04 187.69
 [2,] 177.72  98.85 223.97 208.59 231.22 162.16 114.16 175.01 143.53
 [3,] 249.11 203.46 280.97 352.33 266.84 194.71 210.65 226.41 204.36
 [4,] 196.93 140.13 238.03 272.76 279.42 208.27 166.91 220.97 170.10
 [5,] 268.96 157.01 348.79 371.03 287.49 240.73 183.97 253.65 231.68
 [6,] 274.04 158.84 319.36 351.52 320.79 244.02 205.53 250.71 213.51
 [7,] 147.20 106.64 147.43 229.97 147.79 118.89 163.49 134.07 123.94
 [8,] 176.80 155.13 233.92 280.09 264.00 203.91 156.07 189.70 169.33
 [9,] 243.58 149.44 238.94 333.33 224.90 150.81 220.28 232.87 176.60
[10,] 243.71 148.19 300.77 321.27 330.19 236.15 173.78 254.58 176.43
 [1,] 253.62
 [2,] 192.22
 [3,] 232.04
 [4,] 153.11
 [5,] 280.21
 [6,] 265.57
 [7,] 127.49
 [8,] 154.21
 [9,] 232.97
[10,] 202.78

Amazon Elastic MapReduceを使ったスケーラビリテリーの調査

  • 上記のクラスタで、1000行×1000列同士の積、5000行×5000列同士の積の計算を行う。
1000行×1000列同士 540 (9mins, 50sec)
5000行×5000列同士 22639(6hrs, 17mins, 19sec)



